Round table dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of S.S. Aidarov, Doctor of Architecture

On June 30, 2023, a round table was held in Kazan dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding architect and scientist, founder of the Kazan scientific school of restoration, Doctor of Architecture Sayar Sitdikovich Aidarov. The meeting was organized by the Institute of Archaeology named after A.H. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences and Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE). The round table was held on the eve of the Restorer’s Day.
Aidarov was born on June 25, 1928 in the family of dramatic actor Sitdik Aidarov and opera singer Galiya Kaibitskaya.
More than 50 years of his life Sayyar Aidarov devoted to the revival of medieval architectural monuments. This activity was promoted not only by interest for the history of the native land, but also by long-standing friendship with the archaeologist A.Kh. Khalikov.
Aidarov has conducted a number of research on the architecture of Volga Bolgaria and Khanate Kazan, projects for restoration of architectural sites of Bilyar and Bolgar, Kazan Kremlin and Sviyazhsk. All this allowed him to found the Kazan scientific school of restoration of medieval architecture ruinized sites of Tatarstan and to prepare a whole galaxy of distinguished architects and restorers (N.H. Khalitov, F.M. Zabirov, R.M. Zabirov, H.G. Nadyrova, S.A. Mamleeva, etc.).
Aidarov’s students and colleagues, as well as staff of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.H. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences and Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University took part in the round table meeting. The papers presented at the round table by the participants regard the scientific and pedagogical legacy of the scientist, as well as his architectural works. The round table meeting was opened by the rector of KSUAE, full academician of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, R.K. Nizamov; professor of the Department of theory and practice of architecture, Doctor of Architecture G.N. Aidarova; head of the Department of reconstruction, restoration of architectural heritage and foundations of architecture, Doctor of Architecture H.G. Nadyrova, as well as lecturers of the Institute of architecture and design. Research fellow of the Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences G.I. Drozdova presented information about the main documents kept in S. Aidarov’s personal fund at the Institute of Archaeology named after A.H. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Deputy director for science IIR KFU R.M. Valeev make a speech about joint work with S. Aidarov in the framework of the preservation of architectural legacy and the inclusion of Tatarstan monuments in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. S. Aidarov’s students shared their memories of the style of his work with students and the contribution he made to the fate of each of them.
The round table discussed proposals for the study and popularization of the outstanding architect legacy. Scientific ideas about the preservation of historical, cultural and architectural heritage, told by S. Aidarov in the second half of the XX century, are still relevant in our time.
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