Keep in memory for centuries the memory of the first Tatar printing house in Russia

On March 31, 2023, in accordance with the instructions of the Head of the Administration of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan A.A. Safarov, under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan D.D. Natfullin held a field meeting to determine the exact location for the installation of a memorial plaque dedicated to the appearance in Kazan in 1801 of the first Tatar printing house and the publication in it in 1803 of the first edition of the Koran.
The meeting was attended by KFU President R.G. Minzaripov, Head of the Department for Interaction with Religious Associations of the Department of Internal Policy of the Administration of Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan A.R. Dirzizov, Chief Artist of Kazan, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Kazan Zh.V. Belitskaya , representatives of ministries and various institutions of the republic. The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan was represented by the Scientific Secretary of the Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Khabibullin Mars Zabirovich.
The meeting participants agreed on the installation of a memorial plaque in the courtyard of KFU, where the Asian Printing House was approximately located.
M.Z.Khabibullin, emphasizing in his speech the importance of this event for all Tatars, proposed to equip the memorial plaque with a QR-code plate directing to the informational Internet site "Tatarica 2.0 Online Encyclopedia" ( He turned to KFU President R.G. Minzaripov with a request to expand the existing article on the Asian Printing House by university specialists. In addition, he pointed out the importance of supplying the article with photographs of book printers, buildings and interiors, documents, texts of published books, and other audiovisual sources for the perception of the fullness of the sensations of the event. If possible, provide the Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan with the text of the first Quran in pdf format for placement on the website, as well as other books from the collection of the Scientific Library named after N.I. Lobachevsky KFU, which were published in the printing house. The place where a memorial plaque was erected about the publication in the printing house for the first time in Russia of the Koran with the norms of Ar-Rasm al-Usmani should attract tourists, pilgrims and various delegations from all over the world. To this end, M.Z. Khabibullin suggested, for the convenience of Arabic-speaking guests, to translate the text of the article into Arabic by university staff and place it on the Tatarica 2.0 website in pdf format, so that every Muslim is familiar with the detailed history of the Asian printing house.
Farit Yalalov, Deputy Head of ITER AS RT, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor